Planting The Seeds

Planting The Seeds is the first book from the series 1888 A Coffee Novel by María Amalia Robbin. This is a beautiful hard cover black book, foil pressed in gold, which is the true definition of a coffee table book. The elegance, the exquisite details, the quality of the paper, the layout and the images are all a work of art. Every single detail was taken into consideration. The sections of the book are not called chapters but instead are called “parts.” Several “parts” have beautiful patterns of “A’s” in honor of Amalia Madriñan Vásquez. Most of these patterns are set in a shade of Tiffany blue. Elegantly done in English as well as in Spanish with a golden seal at the top right corner of each page. This is not just a book to put on a shelf; it’s a beautiful piece of art, part of the décor that can be exhibited in a library, a kitchen, a living room or in the entryway to an office.

As the back cover says, this book goes from the origins of coffee growing in Colombia, Guatemala and the Caribbean to the principles of basic coffee making. The author starts the series by “Planting The Seeds” for the following books and tells bits and pieces about the family’s history and stories and gets the readers hooked on the story and wanting to know more. During this whole research process, she realized that most people don’t know much about coffee. They don’t know the difference between Arabica and Robusta. They have no clue why some coffee is absolutely delicious and other coffee tastes horrible and one can’t wait to go and brush their teeth in order to get the taste out of their mouth (not to mention the coffee breath!). They have no clue about the different types of grinds and roasts. Therefore, in this first book, the author teaches basic principles as well as different coffee preparation methods so that people can make really good coffee at home without having to buy expensive machines. She also teaches a few bakery recipes which her family was “famous” for and go hand in hand with coffee.
This way, the reader can enjoy a good cup of coffee with a touch of sweetness while they read the rest of the books from the series, which will be coming out soon!
33 thoughts on “BOOK”
fascinating story! a book to learn
It is a trip to the past. To the coffee farm I luckily got to know many years ago! To the coffee that has been part of my country and his economy for centuries. Thanks for this gorgeous trip! Love it!
La Amalia es además de un libro que enriquece el conocimiento de la cultura cafetera, la cual hace parte del ADN del suroeste Antioqueño y nos representa a nivel mundial como un café de excelente tasa, sino que además es una historia envolvente, mágica que logra involucrar al lector emocionalmente con cada párrafo.
Me encantó el diseño…se ve divino en mi coffee table!! Súper buen regalo para cualquier persona de buen gusto!! Recetas de morir y que historia tan intrigrante! Quiero saber más! No veo la hr de que salgan los otros libros
Elegante, aprendí sobre el café, su historia y su preparación! Buen regalo para cualquier persona!
This beautiful book I display proudly on my coffee table. It combines the history of coffee itself with the saga of a family who developed methods of growing coffee. The book includes the best preparation techniques with gorgeous pictures. 1888 La Amalia, A Coffee Novel makes a great gift for yourself or a friend!
Wonderful. I liked the book very much, specially the carrotcake recipe. Waiting for the next book to continue story
Conoci la historia muchos años después de haber conocido LA AMALIA , Tuve la fortuna de haber visitado esa hermosa tierra en el Suroeste Antioqueño y nunca me imaginé que hubiera tanta tradición, tantos años de esfuerzo y dedicación, tanto por contar, tanta pasión. Que emoción siento al ir entrando poco a poco en la novela que se empezó a gestar con este primer libro. Les recomiendo leerlo y no veo la hora de que salga el segundo y los que siguen. Disfruten de un buen café y de las buenas recetas que lo acompañan. Mi preferida hasta ahora ha sido la torta de zanahoria.
Fantastic book!
This is a fun book to read, entertaining, insightful, and full of stories. A true delight! It is also beautiful as a display book. This is one of those books everyone should own and keep. I cannot wait for the next book of the series to be released !
I already have my book, wonderful and exquisite, full of good taste; that invites you to dream of wonderful aromas from infinite lands like Colombia, thanks to Maria Robbin.
El libro es espectacular, además de que su presentación es hermosa, su contenido es interesante, muy ameno y las recetas las amo.
Fantástico!! Hay que leerlo en compañía de un buen café… Es un libro que enseña, trae recuerdos, antojos, suspenso…La edición impecable, llena de buen gusto y de la personalidad alegre y llena de vida de su autora. Definitivamente, provocativo!!
Finalmente apareció el primer tomo de la trilogía de María Amalia Robbin. Con solo una breve introducción a la historia de la finca y de su familia, que deja entrever lo que seguirá en los próximos tomos, este primero dedica el comienzo a la historia del café y su preparación, seguido de un exuberante despliegue de recetas de bebidas, postres y delicias de panadería, con fotos que lo convierten en un festín para la vista que hace agua la boca. La cuidada edición bilingüe de este hermoso libro muestra el amor y el tiempo dedicado por su autora a investigar el tema.
Amazing book about all things coffee. Very engaging and entertaining. Carefully selected pictures on high quality paper. I love it
La Amalia, is a wonderful book, from the beginning to the end.
The story of a family immersed in a coffee bean plantation, the autor takes you in a journey full of excitement. All the recipes are great.
Excelente me encanto aprender tanto del cultivo y variedad de esta excelencia colombiana que es su café, referente mundial.
Bravo por un trabajo tan bien hecho!
Realmente es una obra de arte que narra la entrada mágica al mundo del café y su historia refleja y enaltece la tradición e historia del café colombiano. La calidad de esta obra te lleva a una conversación amena y tranquila que segundo a segundo te invita a saber más …. Un placer leerlo. Súper recomendado !
Aparte de ser un libro hermoso, es un viaje al pasado para quienes tuvimos oportunidad de conocer La Amalia y disfrutar de las delicias recién preparadas por Nancy (la mamá de María) cuando éramos pequeños. Leyendo las recetas recordaba el aroma cada que entraba a la casa de María!
Apart from being a beautiful book, it is a trip to the past for those of us who had the opportunity to visit La Amalia and enjoy the delicacies freshly prepared by Nancy (Maria’s mother) when we were little. Reading the recipes, I remembered the aroma every time I entered Maria’s house!
Un libro bellísimo, lleno amor por el café. Te atrapa desde el comienzo y te mantiene a la expectativa de tan maravillosa historia. No veo la hora de leer lo que sigue! Por cierto, es un MUST en mi cocina, recetas simples y deliciosas al final fueron la mejor combinación.
True to the books above description, it’s very elegant and makes a good statement piece on my coffee table. The story itself is as rich as the cover. I look forward to reading more installments of Miss Robbins gripping family tale.
LaAmalia 1888 is a beautifully written and illustrated book. It is very unique in its presentation; one side written in English while the other side is in Spanish. The size and quality of the printed page lends itself to be a perfect book for displaying on a coffee table or beverage center.
Aside from the beautiful layout, the book is captivating in its content of family history, coffee history, and general coffee brewing knowledge. After reading this book, I have become more savvy in both my coffee purchasing and coffee making. I found out how to make a great cup of coffee. Not only that, but I can impress my friends and family with “gourmet” coffees (lattes, frappes, cappuccino)! It’s easy and fun.
The recipe section of this book is fabulous. I haven’t as yet tried them all, but I can vouch for the the carrot cake and banana bread! Nothing better than family recipes and tips. My roses have never looked better thanks to the helpful suggestions for coffee ground usage.
The history of LaAmalia plantation and the Robbin family is intriguing. I have the feeling that more great stories are yet to come in the next novel.The women in this family were very strong, independent and resourceful. I love historical novels and look forward to the next one.
I plan on adding copies of this novel to my holiday gift giving list. It has something for everyone to enjoy.
Just got my copy and I am so excited!! Absolutely love it. What a beautiful book; from the stunning photos, to the captivating story. Made from the heart. Congratulations!!
1888 la Amalia a Coffee Novel by Maria Amalia Robbin
is a fascinating read about coffee itself but is so much more. It keeps you turning the pages with its history of family, the global spread of coffee and its many different brewing techniques, and how one family helped Colombia become one of the world’s leaders in premium coffee. It is not only a beautiful presentation on my coffee table, it will also be a valuable resource for exploring new ways to enjoy this centuries-old brew. Viva Café!
Beautiful book! Great story… the best way to learn about coffee.
Ver este libro me llena de admiración por Mari, su dedicación disciplina la han llevado a recopilar una historia fantástica de su familia donde hay drama, amor, olor a café y suspenso. Este libro es el inicio de una historia que además de ser buenísima por todo lo que se aprende es un recorrido por la cultura cafetera Colombiana desde sus inicios y como esta mujer llena de fortaleza y pantalones pone a saborear el aroma de nuestro cafe trascendiendo fronteras en el mundo. París ciudad admirada por muchos inclusive por mi es un epicentro importante de esta historia donde se traman negocios , amores y aroma de café, Este primer libro es la recopilación de los sabores de la Amalia en sus recetas y como la vida con una taza de cafè sorbo a sorbo se disfruta mas. Por experiencia propia no pararas de leer nunca esta historia por que siempre hay un drama nuevo por resolver. Mari el primero de muchos, nos espera la serie que nos hemos soñado,
Your coffee is amazing! Your story is like a movie! Love it!
Beautiful book! Elegant, well written, gorgeous pictures. The book covers the history of coffee entwined with the history of the author’s family. How to make a perfect cup of coffee and delicious recipes to complement it are also included this book.
I love it!!! I’m ready to find out more about this story.
C’est un livre magnifique que je montre à tous mes amis et à ma famille. Quelle histoire fabuleuse ! Les photos sont superbes également. Bravo Maria , pour un coup d’essai, c’est un coup de maître !
I had the pleasure to read tour Book thanks to my mother in Law who helps you for some search in France.
Great Book, wonderful story, we can feel the love for your family and the coffee underneath the words.
Hope to find some of your products one day in France !
A gorgeous addition to any collection. It’s not only beautiful standing alone on display in a prominent place at the home or office. It’s also a lesson on that deep flavorful aromatic daily ritual we have looked forward to morning after morning. The photos are delightful and the recipes are offered with great care as though a family secret was being unwrapped and gifted to the rest of us. ☕️ 💕
Excellent book. It’s a collector’s item for everyone who enjoys a good cup of coffee. Maria Amalia transports us to the history of her family and makes us live those moments. She makes us feel that we are there, present.
The recipes are excellent and easy to follow. I look forward to the other books in the series. Great one.
La Amalia is interesting, elegant and functional. It takes you into a family‘s journey through the world of Cafe. The use of two languages to explore delicious recipes helps bring my family’s cultures together. Highly recommend.!!!
muy interesante y bien contada historia acompañada de buenas fotografías y deliciosas recetas alrededor de una familia colombiana y su café. Gracias !